I have felt very overwhelmed the last couple days. I have a college assignment to finish, sheep to butcher, a house that just isn't good enough right now, homeschooling, and sick kids. And pregnant hormones have the wonderful ability of making things look twelve times their normal size.
And then, in a rare moment of silence, YHVH whispered in my ear. "Why don't you just ask me for help?"
That's a very good question. Why did I fuss and fret and basically freak out?
So, right there, in the middle of changing a diaper, I simply called out, "YHVH forgive me. I need help. I neeeeed help."
And next time, YHVH please help me to remember to call on you first thing.
EDITED TO ADD: Please read comments for the rest of the story.
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1 year ago
=) Beautiful still voice...
sigh...you just described me (apart from the pregnancy hormones...but hormones none the less!)
I'm studying too. I hope to finish my last assignment for the year today...but I can so relate to feeling overwhelmed at times. Did He help you? How are you feeling now?
much love,
Thanks, Christine! I thought I was feeling better until I got slammed with the flu worse than I've had it in years. But, praise YHVH, I'm climbing. Hopefully, I'll feel more like myself by tomorrow. My mother in law said sometimes YHVH puts us flat to teach us things. Um, I just felt incredibly awful. Perhaps the lesson is forthcoming. I have learned to be thankful for the ability to stand vertical! :) Thanks so much for thinking of me. YHVH is good.
Perhaps the lesson was right in front of me the whole time. I was worried about getting everything done, and suddenly the ability to get out of bed was taken away. Now I'm grateful I can sit up in a chair. We need to be thankful for the little things, while we have them. YHVH will help us get things done. We need to simply take one step at a time, thankful for the ability to take that step without getting dizzy.
wow! what a lesson. I guess you really needed to stop and this is the way that YHVH made you. I have been in the same situation where I've been so stressed that I've made myself sick. It's not pleasant. and not something that Yah wants for us, I'm sure.
May you heal soon!
Baruch HaShem!!
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